Under Australian Standards (AS 2550.10 and AS 1418), mobile elevating work platforms, cranes, hoists and winches have to have a complete inspection and rebuild after the first 10 years of the equipment’s life and every five years after that.

This major inspection involves completely stripping the equipment and replacing any parts that are not in suitable working condition.

Do you need a licence or certification to perform a major inspection?

Currently in Australia no specific qualification, licence or certification is needed. However, under the Australian Standards you do need to be a competent person to perform the tasks required.

AS 2550.10 defines a ‘Competent Person’ as follows:

A person who has acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, the knowledge and skill enabling that person to correctly perform the required task.

When choosing a service company to carry out a major inspection, here are some of the things the staff members who will be doing the inspection should be able to demonstrate:

  • They have been trained to perform the job
  • They have experience with the equipment being inspected
  • They have relevant trade qualifications
  • They are familiar with the manufacturer’s specifications for that equipment

Of course, at Lift Industries we most certainly have the competencies required to carry out inspections and rebuilds.